Monday 7 June 2010


Well, there was me all about to give up on Stylelikeu when they hit us with the best ever.  Ever since I dared to post a negative - yet constructive - comment about one of its featured rich spoilt brats with no taste and no style and no personality and faced a barrage of personal abuse, Ive sort of gone off the place. I realised that everyone they featured merged into one... "yah I really loooove this because I like think like its so DIFFERENT and like I love the like details and like I put studs on everything and like Im only 19 but like Im so rich I can live in this massive apartment with all these clothes and I dont have to work hard for anything and like, dont you think thats the coolest?"....   yeah it pisses me off. There have been some really cool styled people on there, but its sort of started to not be about style at all anymore. Anyway I never meant for this to turn into a personal rant aout the site because ok yah I still have it on my bloglovin and check it from time to time and sometimes, just sometimes they find the right sort of people who I actually WANT to get to know, who are ACTUALLY interesting and actually have great pieces that are really well styled and you can tell they CARE.

Here is PAMELA LOVE. I think this is like the third time Ive gone on about how much I love her designs, so its awesome to get to see more of the person behind the amazing designs. Enjoy!

Pamela Love from from Stylelikeu on Vimeo.

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