Thursday 22 October 2009

whats yo favourite number? FREE!

ohh heeeey. whats all that stuff about the best things in life being free? Anyway I love getting free things, and whats better than free clothes??? So last term in the art department there was like this massive pile of old clothes, i think mostly taken from old theatre companies or costume shops because basically it mostly consisted of hilarious ruffled dresses and big old wizard cloak things. It was pretty much a free for all so of course me being me and loving a find I got stuck right in and left with a huge armfull of stuff. OK I will admit I came away with a green velvet cloak, some sort of nun dress and the purple skirt used to make THIS, however I did also find some good shit. Firstly THIS top, which is a sort of shakespearean artisan affair which is fun to wear but sort of unpracticle when youre clumsy like me. I also got pretty much a full suit but it was huge and itchy so i think I chucked it. But probably my best find was this shiiirt which i love. Its black with a gold bib like arrangement on the front. I wore it for the first time out last week with black H&M skinny jeans and black and gold snake bracelet my sister got me for my birthday. Umm I guess I didnt really get any good outfit shots (it was a fun night!) but hopefully you get the idea from these?

Necklace Vivienne Westwood. I don't know what Claire is wearing (sorry).

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