Saturday 24 April 2010

They grew down the river, all bloody and wild

Hai. Listen I know I keep saying it but I  really do feel bad about my lack of posting. And the last post totally doesnt even count, yuck just ignore that. Long story. ANYWAY I know not many people read this little bloggy and I know even less follow it (but I love every single one of you!) (PS if you dont follow, please do. just click the little button or follow me on bloglovin'. I think it will make me feel more encouraged to write more) anyway what was I saying? Yeah basically I have been so busy with work and making films and editing and exhibitions etc etc etc. Year assesments are basically in two weeks, arghhh.

Anyway isnt the sun sooo nice right now? Ive had so many BBQs already. Its so funny how obsessed everyone in England is about barbeques, but seriously WHAT IS BETTER? I think its the only thing that is stereotypically British about me...

OK just so this post isnt boring and just full of ramblings....

Latest exhibition in collaboration with my studio group. I think it looks so awesome! My work is the skull/books/skull on the plinth. Right in fthe front, naturally.
The books were based on a classmates work on dreams and stuff. Ill get pictures up of the insides soon. The front cover has a quote from The Cat with Hands on the front!
|Still from my latest film, sort of Ophelia/ Where theWild Roses Grow based motif. Instead of playing a dead girl with bugs and animals crawling all over her, the idea was she was the last living thing on earth - all the animals and bugs are dead on her, while she lives on...
Who knew UoR could be so pretty. There was this really creepy heron watching us all the time we were filming...

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