I dunno, something like that.
OK so I totally freaked out last week when I bought the new pop. I didnt have a scanner and I was on holiday and all I wanted to do was shout about it. I was totally throwing up about it... to kick myself in the face with my own saying.
Now Ive had time to breathe, lets go over it properly shall we.
OK so I totally bought it twice. I know Im an idiot but A) I wanted both covers B) I wanted to cut one issue up and C) and D). Im glad I did though because now I can scan and talk. I like/love the colour cover best. I think both are awesome though, so exciting to see Tavi make a cover. Have I become one of those people throwing up over her? It doesnt matter, she is AWESOME.
I dont have any of my old issues to compare but Im pretty sure the format of POP has changed a bit. Not only is it laced with these cool like pull outs and 'mini zine' type things, its also more like the September Dazed where the editorials and articles are mixed up together. it starts with this shoot which is OK, but uses that same choppy collagey thing again. I like the eyebrows though, and obviously loving the Comme.

THOSE SHOES!!!!!!! (ok you cant see em very well, but trust me THEYRE THERE.)
Next theres a sweet little interview with Ed Ruscha, which I will admit I have only read half of BECAUSE while I was reading on the train I had this sudden irrational and UNTRUE feeling all of a sudden that the man sitting next to me was in fact Ed Ruscha himself, so I got really self conscious and turned the page. I like this picture.

YOU WILL ALL BE AMAZE'D to learn I fully read the next interview with Subodh Gupta. well I call it the NEXT interview, of course there was a bit inbtween that I skipped, and some awful accesory pictures I wont mention but YOU KNOW what I mean. Anyway Subodh is cool, I saw some of his work earlier at the Tate Triennial. I think it was part of Altermodern, although if it wasnt I saw it when I went to Altermodern so there you go. I like this.

OK I really love this shot, and the jewellry is way nice too, but what I dont get is WHY IS SHE SMOKING? or rather why is there a cigarette balancing on her lips? so pointless. Its not like Im some massive anti smoking freak, its just I dont like it when there is POINTLESS smoking in fashion shots.

oh this is niiiiiiiiiice (GUCCI):

Haven't read the article to accompany this, but I love this.

Next is an article on Brody Dalle who I heart, but theyve done something wierd with her eyes in the pictures which creep me out so I wont scan. then theres some accessory pictures, some topless Irina pictures (yawn) and some bad pictures of a model in a nice woodland setting.
The Damien Hirst interview however is way good. I have always been so undecided about him but this interview made me like him alot. I apreciate his morbid fascinations, and his art collection sounds incredible. Im fully going to his upcoming shows. LOVE LOVE LOVE the George Taylor piece in this picture.

The images inside are nice too specifically this page.

The Nina Ricci shoe pictures sort of creep me out. Theyre just so... yonic.
The Tavi pictures are sooo great I just LOVE the styling. OK So I really loved her self styled pictures in LOVE, but these are just completely different.

Next theres a cool little pull out zine made by the superstar blogging kids, mainly 'Fake Karl'. I dont really know much about that but I do like the cover.

The next feature looks a bit like this:

and is OK but not really great.
then theres some feature on this ugly woman with big boobies which looks lame, with truly hideous images.
then theres a few other bits including this.

and then finally an interview with naomi Campbell which is cool and has a few nice images too.

OK SO YEAH ITS A WELL GOOD ISSUE OVER ALL. for five bob you cant go wrong, really.
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