I know Im a million years late and probably the last person to do a review of the latest Dazed, but anyways here I go yo.
OK. So lets start with the obvious question first. why. the. fuck. is kristen stewart on the cover??? Yuck! She is so irrelevant to everything. and WHY does she ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS no matter what shes doing, saying, acting, ALWAYS pull that SAME FUCKING FACE???? honestly she must have been a botox baby or something because there is just nothing there. Am I just being a cunt? SRSLY!!!!! I aint even gonna talk about her feature inside because 1. I havent read it 2. I never will and 3. all it is, surprise suprise, is her pulling that same face. and all the big quotes on the page are just about fucking robert pattinson (is that his name?). oh YAWN.
OK now thats out of the way lets get on with it.
So unlike LOVE (see below), Dazed is full of editorial shots running throughout the magazine. However, Like LOVE it is also scattered with lots of small features on up and coming designers, collections, artists, shows, bands, actors, products etc etc. One of these that caught my eye was a short article on upcoming actor (I guess) Ezra Miller who I guess is like 15 or 16. Basically I just liked the picture.

Following this is a short editorial on '1980s inspired street style' or something. I swear Ive seen this same editorial so many times before, and the haircuts just get worse and worse and the models get dirtier and dirtier.

I REALLY LOVE THE HAIR HERE THOUGH!!!!! sweeeet!!!! The glasses are by Fabris Lane.

I like the next editorial alot too. I know this is another one of those thats been done so many times, but I think the styling in this piece is a pretty fresh look. There are a couple of shots I dont like, but overall its cool.

Next is a big feature on a band called The Big Pink who I havent really heard of, although I think I heard a song on the radio the other day and I think I thought it was ok. Oh wait, I just youtubed. its this song
Yeah it aint bad. Shit video but whateva ya know. anyway anyway anyway... really I havent read the article, just admired these pictures.

nice ya?
Then theres another article I also havent read (MAN! I AM SO BAD!) but I like these pix. something to do with archives, right?


Hate this so called vampire shoot. boring. also i think theyre shot pretty badly, I cant see any depth in the fabric or anything. I may as well be looking at a cardboard cut out. I think if youre going to do a boring shoot like this it really HAS to be all about the CLOTHES. just cant see em though.

I dont really get the references in the next shoot. Again it has something to do with archives, but I must be missing something. That pink iceburg coat has been everywhere. I like this page though.

I hate this one though. this girl gives me the bad kind of creepz.

NEXT!!!! MY FAVOURITE OF THE MAGAZINE!!! awwwh shit so cool! I love the model, shes like a female Nick Cave. Love the styling too. Just great, I think.

More boring menswear. I just think they could have done so much better. I mean the inspiration is carravaggio for gods sake!! and this is the best they could do? They keep using that same kind of photoshop painty effect too. I like the chains in this one though.

and I do love the styling in his one.

The next feature again uses a same effect that keeps popping up. sort of cutty pastey collagey. its ok but nothing major.

This next menswear... Im sure they should have just merged this with that first lot (with the bad haircuts) and made a better amalgamated version of the both.

The last shoot features Bridget Hall and is quite slick but a bit fussy at the same time. (is that possible? well I didnt think it was but there you go). I love the jacket in this shot though.

And thats the end of it all, really. There follows the film book art and music reviews. Ill leave you with the last nice picture of the magazine, Katie Jarvis.

Gonna do some campaign reviews next. keep peel'd. xxxxxxxxx
I love these reviews. Niceeee.
ReplyDeleteThanks :) More to come....