OK I was super excited last week, i was travelling back home on a horrible train journey, but it was ok coz I had just hought the new issue of LOVE! I was happy too coz I had read it wasnt out til TODAY so I hadnt expected it to be there, but there it was. Also on thier blog last week they said there were some sneek previews at dover street market but I got it at liverpool st station so THERE! woop.
I got the Alex cover just coz it was a bit more interesting than the Coco one, although really neither covers did much for me, especially after the last one, i really liked the Beth Ditto cover. I still think they should have gone for the Aggy as the queen cover though. but anyway I digresss and yous are getting bored, so lets get on with it shall we kids?
OK first of all, Pixie Geldof is like so all over this issue. I dont know what to think about her. I really have strong dislikings for Peaches so half of me just feels like that instantly for her, and that shoot she did for this months Vogue (BLEUGH!) didnt help. However Im really swayed by this! she looks way hot in the SEX IS BORING photo too. Its sort of like a dirty CK ad.

One thing Ive noticed about LOVE is that its all like, one page of this another page of that. Like its really not like other magazines that use pages and pages. I like it since it gets lots more things in, and I dont get bored reading. Sometimes its annoying though, like on page 94 where Tavi is interviewing Jordan Wolfson. I mean her little written bit is way cute... but ONE question, with half an answer? really?
There follows lots of pages now featuring lots of nice little things to look at and wish you could afford to buy. And then a feature on that girl from Skins which i aint read and i aint gonna. She looks way horible in the pictures too, like a scarecrow Avril Lavigne. not good no no.

Then whats next? oh this page of creepy teens smiling. unnerving.

OH OK! why is everyone called Taylor in this magazine?
I quite like all the pixie geldof pictures. I mean they are all sort of generic and obvious and I am cool coz im smoking ya, but they are nice. I like the picture where Pixie is in the bushes. I think shes having a wee. I hope so.

And now Im gonna skip to TAVI! aw yay its nice isnt it. I know everyone on the internets has been throwing up so much about her (I dont think I mean that but whatever) saying shes some big prodigy or something, but really she IS so cool. I love her styling and I love how she looks like something out of Ramona Quimby. Nice interview too. Im gonna talk about that mock cover later.

hate all the 'posh and dosh' (or whatever is is) pictures. way boring and the girls all look way annoying.

LOVE the Dorothea pictures, theys nice.

Then we get to the main feature, all the kids. or all the AMAZING kids. It doesnt say why theyre amazing, but the pictures are ok. I like Charles and Ranya. Charles is a bit RIBBY though. Alex (the boy on the front) is way boring. all the pictures are him making an ashley olsen prune face, boring. oh god, and the next boy (Liam)... oh god. AHHH. so horrible to look at. Like I think the styling is just AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL. like looking at someone else's sick in a dirty toilet. so awful. I might rip it out actually I hate when Im flipping through and it lands on that page.

the BOXER pages are my favourite in the magazine. I love the styling and the pictures and all the kids look just way cool. Especially all the girls. woah I love that.

Coco is hot, but I aint bothered about her. Bruce Weber pictures are nice but hes done better. I like him alot though.
I read the interview with the porn star. I dont know, I want to like her but I dont. Its funny how its all like 'Shes sooo smarts' because of the way shes doing what shes doing, but at the end of the day it is boring isnt it.
I havent read any of the 'America's sweethearts' thing coz I dislike all the featured people, more people called Taylor, miley cunty cirus, kirsten dull face. whatever right. and there is this REALLY creepy picture of these twins (I guess) called Milly and Becky Rosso. oh its SO twisted!!!

OK and then to end it all theres the Alexander Wang stuff. I have big love for Wang (hehe) but I dont like his shots. they really are dull you know. I like the gareth pugh trousers though, YAY!

SO this must have been so boring, Im fully sorry.
Buy the magazine though, its nice and thick and glossy and passes some time. and its only £5 which is nice coz i thought it was £6 and usually magazines this fat are.
UP NEXT... DAZED AND CONFUSED. yippeeeeee xxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteGreat job.
I dig all your opinions. Pixie looks demonic ha ha. Yes Sir, don't degrade yourself to liking a vagina alley porn star
Two magazines at a time baby! Woah. Were you trying to give us some LOVE?
Love it.
Thanks for what you said about my feature! Nice review!
ReplyDeleteHaha I hope Pixie is taking a wee too, that would be kind of awesome?!