Thursday, 30 April 2009
tooty fruity booty looty suity shooty cutey
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Bring back changing rooms motherfuckers.
This is what I've mostly been doing these past 2 days. DIY SOS! hells yeah motherfuckers. I picked up these cute but skanky coffee tables for a fiver from oxfam on saturday, so we decided to sand em down and revarnish them. Just the little one has been done so far and it looks well nice. We even put some gold glitter in the varnish to give it an extra touch of ghetto fabulousness. with mad skillz like this it really is a shame carol smilie and co have buggered off of the telly. I really miss changing rooms in a genuine way. das all.
carol smilie,
changing rooms,
Monday, 27 April 2009
Y control
Last night I went to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs gig at Shepherds Bush. It was much fun, despite the terrible terrible support bands. They played Maps which was way good. I really wanted them to play Hysteric from the new record but alas they didn't.
Yesterday was such a nice day, so sunny. We went to Oxford street for sushi and then sat and ate it in the sun in Hyde park. I got some new sunglasses from Rockit but I can't decide whether theyre more comedy than style.
I must do some work today. Its raining though and I dont feel like it. Just had some bonne maman on toast and chamomile and lemon grass tea. yums. watching ab fab in bed.
bonne maman,
hyde park,
its blitz,
shepherds bush,
yeah yeah yeahs
Saturday, 25 April 2009
My quest for chocolate elegance
At the moment I am obsessed with nice treats, probably more than usual.
This week I was way happy when someone lovely bought me this cute little furry lindt bunny. its so cute, like a luxury easter treat.
In terms of dining I am currently working my way through Waitrose's elegant selection of boxed chocolates and treats. Yesterday I tried thier vegeterian sushi which was delicious and probably one of the best store bought sushi packs ive had, mainly for this delicious tofu block thing thats in it. I dont actually know what it was but it was very tasty. I ate it in the cinema (we went to see Mosters Vs Aliens 3D which was very fun and easy viewing). Yesterday I also got some Mason Blanc Macaron Parissien. Now I have wanted to try macarons for SO long. Ive particuarly longed to sample the laudree counter in Harrods. However I made do with these ones (see above), which are just under £7 for a box of 12. Now, let me tell you these are fucking AMAZING. like nothing ive tasted before. So delicious and luxurious. Im so getting them again, despite the hefty price tag.
A while ago I also got some Prestat chocs from waitrose, which retail at just under £13 for a box of around 12. I must admit for the price I was a little dissapointed with the taste of many of these chocolates, however the box they come in is lovely, and they do taste quite expencive, which is what you would want. Although I woundnt ever buy these for myself, I would be happy to recieve them as a gift!
Finally today I got some Charbonnel et Walker Pink Marc de Champagne Truffles, which are described as Lightly dusted pink coloured truffles with a milk chocolate butter and marc de champagne centre. They were £9.99 once again from waitrose. I havent yet tasted them but they look stunning in thier little round pink box. You only get 8 in a box, so im hoping for the price they taste amazing! I think I might have one now actually, theyre tempting me too much.... oh wow... yes! ohmygod soooooo delicious!! very rich, very filling, definately a one-a-day treat! Im not sure about the price tag, however the exclusiveness of them definately adds to the tasting experience. love them!
So save ya pennies kids, because at the end of the day its so much more satisfying saving up and eating 8 delicious truffles than paying the same amount for 10 chocolate bars you can have anytime you want.
Das all yo.
April, I feel you leaving...
So on wednesday I went to Birmingham to see PJ Harvey, and it was a really really good show. After waiting years and years to finally get to go to one of her shows was amazing, and I didnt really know what to expect. She was playing with John Parish so it was songs from Dance Hall at Louse Point and the new record A Woman a Man Walked By. My personal highlight was probably when she performed Taut, a song thats always had a big impact on me. I found the whole gig really inspiring, like watching performance art.
This morning I went to a car boot sale which was rubbish, and then to some charity shops. I bought a box of Toulous Lautrec cards and a coffee table. s'all good.
john parish,
pj harvey,
toulous lautrec
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
you bloody motherfucking asshole

Today has been strange. It was sunny which was nice, so I chose an appropriate outfit, my 3.1 phillip lim smiley face t shirt and a light cardigan. I thought I looked good as I walked out the house. This soon changed after a van went past me with some cunts shouting abuse at me. and you know shit like this never effects me and I found it quite funny, and I didnt even realy hear what they said coz i was listening to my musics, but still. So i went into the studio for a meeting and came back and some builders (i hate builders! stupid pigs) shouted something at me too. Now honestly these things didnt effect me, but Im so annoyed at myself because I still changed when I got back. theres builders doing roadworks all along where I have to walk and I just couldnt be bothered with it again. All afternoon ive een in a bad mood about it though.
This afternoon I had a crit of the work Ive been doing over easter, and it actually went really good which was nice. Since then Ive just been outside in the sun.
Im now watching Trapped, my favourite programme on cbbc!
martha wainwright,
phillip lim,
Sunday, 19 April 2009
oh, wow.
I just watched the most hilarious documentary about a child beauty pageant in America. Well, it was funny but fucking creepy too. Its really hard to find pictures of, like that picture up there is fucking tame compared to this shit!
The worst thing is the parents that make thier kids do this. I dont know if theyre just trying to live through thier children or something, but eugh its disturbing. I think you should just let children be children and thats that. Still, I suppose the english version of kids growing up too fast is getting yourself preggers so maybe its not that bad. but still...
Have a gander below you bitches. ya das all.
little beauties,
scary shit,
Saturday, 18 April 2009
I'll take a midnight train going anywhere
actually babes I'm just going back to Reading. I need to pack and sort lots of stuff out... i so cannot be bothered. Today was my last day of work for a little while. above is the highlight of the day, haha. Ive had Bat for Lashes' Daniel in my head all day. I freaking love it.
Have you seen PJ Harvey's new video for her song (with John Parish) Black Hearted Love? Its directed by the Chapman brothers, and its really nice. watch it below yo. I can't believe I'm finally getting to get to see her live this week, ive literally been waiting years for a gig I can go to. hurrah!
Das all relly bebz. xxx
bat for lashes,
chapman brothers,
pj harvey,
woop woop
Friday, 17 April 2009
By the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing.
Thursday, 16 April 2009
hello hello hello its only me.
Im gonna be so busy the next week or so... tomorrow I've got a day off work so I'm gonna finish that bastard essay (eugh can't believe i have to write practically the whole thing in one day... I don't know if its gonna happen...), Saturday is my last day of work then on Sunday Im heading back to Reading. On Monday Im gonna have to work like billy-O getting all my stuff ready for tuesday where I have to present the work Ive done over the holiday (which aint much yo). On wednesday Im heading to Birmingham to see PJ Harvey which I am so excited about. Thursday I'll be travelling back/having a day of rest. More work friday, more resting Saturday and then on Sunday its the Yeah Yeah Yeahs gig in laaandan. phew! so much to do so little time.
Its probably because all of this that I don't have anything interesting to say about anything except my own life.
Im so looking forward to seeing Bat for Lashes again this year at Latitude festival. Im hoping to try and get to a show sometime as well. I absoltely love love love the new album.
PS had blood test this week, ALL CLEAR YO. lovely.
bat for lashes,
luv ya,
pj harvey,
yeah yeah yeahs
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Thank god you're here.
Saturday, 11 April 2009
you're a zero
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