Today has been strange. It was sunny which was nice, so I chose an appropriate outfit, my 3.1 phillip lim smiley face t shirt and a light cardigan. I thought I looked good as I walked out the house. This soon changed after a van went past me with some cunts shouting abuse at me. and you know shit like this never effects me and I found it quite funny, and I didnt even realy hear what they said coz i was listening to my musics, but still. So i went into the studio for a meeting and came back and some builders (i hate builders! stupid pigs) shouted something at me too. Now honestly these things didnt effect me, but Im so annoyed at myself because I still changed when I got back. theres builders doing roadworks all along where I have to walk and I just couldnt be bothered with it again. All afternoon ive een in a bad mood about it though.
This afternoon I had a crit of the work Ive been doing over easter, and it actually went really good which was nice. Since then Ive just been outside in the sun.
Im now watching Trapped, my favourite programme on cbbc!
you foul mouthed junky. that's a cool shirt!