Woops, drunk blogging is not my friend. Sorry about the below post. But I still mean it.
Bite me.
Saturday, 27 February 2010
you know I am really bored with stupid cunts with no imagination. How is it suddenly that an individual is no allowed an opinion unless it is like 'OMG I LOVE YOU AND YR STYLE! LOL!' totally fucking shut the fuck up. Can I just say that wearing big glasses and a bow tie does not mean shit to me. Its not like Im going to say it in so many words but Im not going to lie either. I would rather just create a discussion, yknow. If you dont like what I wear either, fucking TELL ME! I never get any comments anyway so what do I care. I would rather get negative comments than none at all. ANYWAY this is nothing to do with this here bastard blog, just another one I happened to comment on. Actually a blog I comment on frequently and I always enjoy discussing my opinion on. It makes me happy that I might have an abstract opinion to every other zombie out there, but it pisses me off that this is not embraced and instead Im just insulted. UGH.
Anyway I totally havent been inspired to write here on this bastard blog recently and this just confirms why. People suck. They just fucking do.
Anyway I totally havent been inspired to write here on this bastard blog recently and this just confirms why. People suck. They just fucking do.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Sunday, 21 February 2010
its ovah. O.V.A.H.
New York is over, and Im pretty glad. I dont know why but the whole thing just gave me the grumps!! I say BOO to you. Im glad London is starting and already Ive seen some killah things Ill talk about later. Before that I think I should talk about a few collections i DID like from new york. Apart from these and Rodarte, there wasnt much.
Hervé Léger by Max Azria

The black pieces feel tough and powerful while still feminine,while the cream and greys of the lighter pieces feel strong but soft at the same time. Some of the shapes sort of remind me of Mark fast SS10?

Hervé Léger by Max Azria
OK! LOVE! Oh hai random big bold font, you're fun. ANYWAY, Im totally digging this! I just think theyre really technically beautiful displaying some really great skill. Plus I just think aesthetically I love the whole vibe of the collection.
The black pieces feel tough and powerful while still feminine,while the cream and greys of the lighter pieces feel strong but soft at the same time. Some of the shapes sort of remind me of Mark fast SS10?
I don't have much to say about this collection really, apart from that I really liked these two looks? I don't even know why, but sometimes thats ok. The one on the left deserves a detail shot because the fabric has a really nice soft print, and that belt is just so rad.
Proenza Schouler
Yay! I pretty much loved this whole collection, althought I think Ive known since Pre-Fall that I would. The coloured furs are devine, the prints are so rad, as are the accessories. Love it!
(All images Style.com ... Standard.)
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Calvin Klein... the fuck????
OK TELL ME THIS IS NOT JUST ME BEING CRAZY, but SERIOUSLY were all the models for Calvin Klein kidnapped and replaced with old lady skeleton corpse ALIENS??? shit whaaat??? I know Im not supposed to be looking at the 'human coathangers' but srsly I couldnt stop looking at them. Its too funny...
WOAH!! I wonder what was in the water backstage, coz seriously something in the milk aint clean...
As far as the collection was concerned, I mostly liked it. Im just still a little freaked. And before you say anything this isnt a post about models being too thin and all that, I just found it totally hilarious that all the models in the show looked like this. Its sort of gross. I guess its all just bad make up and lighting. although being thin enough to see the shape of yo skull aint so nice either. Anyway yes... FAASHION!
WOAH!! I wonder what was in the water backstage, coz seriously something in the milk aint clean...
As far as the collection was concerned, I mostly liked it. Im just still a little freaked. And before you say anything this isnt a post about models being too thin and all that, I just found it totally hilarious that all the models in the show looked like this. Its sort of gross. I guess its all just bad make up and lighting. although being thin enough to see the shape of yo skull aint so nice either. Anyway yes... FAASHION!
Thursday, 18 February 2010
All of them witches.
I just watched Rosemary's Baby and I loved it! Its sooo good. I loved the story, the cinematography and the whole atmosphere of the film. I loved the attention to detail... the small moments and gestures. Also the costumes are really nice, especially Rosemary's and Minnie's. Best of all I loved Minnie played by Ruth Gordon, who I just adore. She is of course Maude in Harold and Maude where I love her best, however she is just as great in this. Her character is wonderfully eccentric, and although highly sinister I couldnt help falling in love with her. WATCH IT!!!
PS. What do we think about THIS? sadness, right?
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Just what I needed.
Rodarte F/W 2010, lovely. I was seriously beginning to worry about you, New York.
The beginning of the collection definately presented all my favourite looks. It makes me want to throw on like 10 random layers and drape everything over myself.
The above pieces were also stand out for me, I just looove the prints, and how floatyness of them while still having the feeling of being wrapped up tight in a warm blanket. I'd like to run through a frosty wood wearing something like this, you know what I mean?
The beginning of the collection definately presented all my favourite looks. It makes me want to throw on like 10 random layers and drape everything over myself.
The above pieces were also stand out for me, I just looove the prints, and how floatyness of them while still having the feeling of being wrapped up tight in a warm blanket. I'd like to run through a frosty wood wearing something like this, you know what I mean?
On the Style.com review it mentions about how they were thinking about thier mexican heritage for this collection, and I love how theyve translated that feeling. I guess it would have been easy for them to go down some tacky poncho dress route, but instead they were inspired by ideas of traditional craft, and I loves that. I also love the subtle mexican totem eagle pattern on the top left look? Well thats how I translate it anyway?

OK, so maybe towards the end of the show there were pieces that might have been filla rather than killa (not the pieces above, Ilovethem), but there was still plenty that I adored so this has definately been one of the best of NY so far. Like I said before, maybe I just need to snap out of this lull feeling.

Sunday, 14 February 2010
SO what do we think?
These were my favourite looks.... complete collection HERE. I dunno guys, maybe I need to have a second (and third and fourth) look at it? It hasnt really sunk in yet. Maybe SS was just TOO great? Im just not diggin' it!! Maybe I just need to snap out of this feeling... like Im finding it so hard to work out how washion week is going on without AMcQ? Dont worry, Im sure it will hit me soon. And I still love you Wang. In every form.
These were my favourite looks.... complete collection HERE. I dunno guys, maybe I need to have a second (and third and fourth) look at it? It hasnt really sunk in yet. Maybe SS was just TOO great? Im just not diggin' it!! Maybe I just need to snap out of this feeling... like Im finding it so hard to work out how washion week is going on without AMcQ? Dont worry, Im sure it will hit me soon. And I still love you Wang. In every form.
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Monday, 8 February 2010
Can't get enough of life to keep me satisfied
The six shirts I got at the Angels sale. The first and last are my favourites, the denim one is distressed beyond belief, and was probably the dirtiest ripped smellyiest thing at the whole sale, but I fell in love so there you go. I have actually already worn it out, so there we go. The last is just really nice and is going to go with my All Saints pullover like a dream. The checked ones I guess are pretty generic but they still remain a layering staple for me. The AF one is an air hostess shirt - I guess Air France? And the brown one is just nice by itself.
angels warehouse sale,
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Yo my life is like a videogame
Yesterday Me and Arianne decided to get up like crazies at 5am and head on down to the Angels costumiers retro warehouse sale!!! I hate the word retro though, don't you. Its right up there with 'wacky'. Anyway, we arrived in North Wembly after an array of perfectly timed trains busses and tubes just before 8. The que was pretty much the most crazy bones thing ever. Originally we had planned to get up about 3am to make the 4.40 train to paddington. LUCKILY however, through her amazingness and mad skillz (competition winning), Arianne managed to get us que jump plus free entry... amaaazing. Im no good with measurements and all that but it took us a few minutes just to walk past the que. I heard that the people at the front had got there at 11pm the previous night, and others had got there at 3am. insaaane. So I guess I felt a little bad walking on past them straight to the front, but really I am a cold hearted machine when it comes to shopping so these feelings didnt last long. It actuaklly was so good being let in early because I was pretty desperate for a wee and so sneakily used the facilities hehehe. You needed to know this. Anywho, as well as que jump we were allowed into the warehouse 15 minutes early to look around, however we werent allowed to touch or rummage through any of the boxes, but it was good because we were able to suss out where the things we wanted were, and we also saw all the things from Susie Bubble's video which was cool. (Arianne actually managed to get her mits on the lace beauty at 0.23 in that video... I klnow this was something alot of people were after. JOY!) , however the sheer scale of the warehouse left us feeling way overwhelmed, we definately felt afterwards that we hadnt used our time well enough.
So half 8 came and we were let loose, I ran straight for the furry swiss army box bags (as seen in the video), Id been able to spot the best looking one and that was my first find. Foir a couple of minutes as people filed into the warehouse I was alone in the military jacket section... it was very surreal but really nice being able to casually pick the best stuff (including a devine cape). However this was not the case for very long and soon it turned into the shopping centre of hell or something... I was still feeling so overwhelmed with the size of the place and amount of stuff that I was finiding it difficult enough as it was to fill my bags, but with the huge crowds of scrambling people this was made twice as difficult. Injuries were sustained indeed. In fac, two friends (who I guess Id sort of forced into coming, woopsie) left empty handed.
However, soon enough I got into my stride, and after just over 2 hours of rummaging, with lots of selecting trying on and putting back, with my arms aching, my back aching and my legs aching, we managed to get out of there. Arianne bought one £20, doing well filling it with the lace number as seen in the video, a rad 70s floral high necked dress, a fab boater hat, and some more things which Ive forgotten. I don't think she was as brutal as me but she still came away with some great choice pieces, which I think it was its all about.
As for me I was trying to find wearable pieces that I could slot easily into my wardrobe while still making somewaht of a statement, as vintage clothing does so well. I came out with a £20 bag and a £50 bag (mainly due to the size of my furry bag, crammed full with treats, priobably could have just filled 2 £20 bags without it). AND THIS IS WHAT I BOUGHT:
SILVER SHOES. To begin with I was in distress, unable to find any shoes that fit me, then I found these! love them! Ive already worn them out, theyre so rad, and make a really satisfying click when I walk.
For some reason I fell in love with this battered little purse. It needs alot of care and attention, but I just love it. I might use it in my next film.

This is my duffel cape. soooo nice. nice and big and warm with rad buttons and an insane hood. JUST what I have been looking for in my life.
OK so I had it in my head that if I just found one piece that I LOVED, then I would be happy.... these are it! I swear you guys, its destiny. I saw them in the box, grabbed them (almost half heartedly, thinking they wouldnt fit), and realised they looked my size! after a few minutes of awkward trying on (I had big socks on) it was confirmed! and they were allll mine. I love them so, theyre so unusual and really nice quality. plus theyre like brand new, look how unworn they are! In fact, I looked them up when I got home, and theyre still available to buy (HERE)... for like two hundred euros!!!! CRAZY BONES!!!!
I also got 6 shirts, another bag, my furry bag, and 2 aviator caps. More about those another time.
Sorry this has been a shit load to read, snaps if you made it. I love you all.
Yesterday Me and Arianne decided to get up like crazies at 5am and head on down to the Angels costumiers retro warehouse sale!!! I hate the word retro though, don't you. Its right up there with 'wacky'. Anyway, we arrived in North Wembly after an array of perfectly timed trains busses and tubes just before 8. The que was pretty much the most crazy bones thing ever. Originally we had planned to get up about 3am to make the 4.40 train to paddington. LUCKILY however, through her amazingness and mad skillz (competition winning), Arianne managed to get us que jump plus free entry... amaaazing. Im no good with measurements and all that but it took us a few minutes just to walk past the que. I heard that the people at the front had got there at 11pm the previous night, and others had got there at 3am. insaaane. So I guess I felt a little bad walking on past them straight to the front, but really I am a cold hearted machine when it comes to shopping so these feelings didnt last long. It actuaklly was so good being let in early because I was pretty desperate for a wee and so sneakily used the facilities hehehe. You needed to know this. Anywho, as well as que jump we were allowed into the warehouse 15 minutes early to look around, however we werent allowed to touch or rummage through any of the boxes, but it was good because we were able to suss out where the things we wanted were, and we also saw all the things from Susie Bubble's video which was cool. (Arianne actually managed to get her mits on the lace beauty at 0.23 in that video... I klnow this was something alot of people were after. JOY!) , however the sheer scale of the warehouse left us feeling way overwhelmed, we definately felt afterwards that we hadnt used our time well enough.
So half 8 came and we were let loose, I ran straight for the furry swiss army box bags (as seen in the video), Id been able to spot the best looking one and that was my first find. Foir a couple of minutes as people filed into the warehouse I was alone in the military jacket section... it was very surreal but really nice being able to casually pick the best stuff (including a devine cape). However this was not the case for very long and soon it turned into the shopping centre of hell or something... I was still feeling so overwhelmed with the size of the place and amount of stuff that I was finiding it difficult enough as it was to fill my bags, but with the huge crowds of scrambling people this was made twice as difficult. Injuries were sustained indeed. In fac, two friends (who I guess Id sort of forced into coming, woopsie) left empty handed.
However, soon enough I got into my stride, and after just over 2 hours of rummaging, with lots of selecting trying on and putting back, with my arms aching, my back aching and my legs aching, we managed to get out of there. Arianne bought one £20, doing well filling it with the lace number as seen in the video, a rad 70s floral high necked dress, a fab boater hat, and some more things which Ive forgotten. I don't think she was as brutal as me but she still came away with some great choice pieces, which I think it was its all about.
As for me I was trying to find wearable pieces that I could slot easily into my wardrobe while still making somewaht of a statement, as vintage clothing does so well. I came out with a £20 bag and a £50 bag (mainly due to the size of my furry bag, crammed full with treats, priobably could have just filled 2 £20 bags without it). AND THIS IS WHAT I BOUGHT:
SILVER SHOES. To begin with I was in distress, unable to find any shoes that fit me, then I found these! love them! Ive already worn them out, theyre so rad, and make a really satisfying click when I walk.
For some reason I fell in love with this battered little purse. It needs alot of care and attention, but I just love it. I might use it in my next film.

This is my duffel cape. soooo nice. nice and big and warm with rad buttons and an insane hood. JUST what I have been looking for in my life.
OK so I had it in my head that if I just found one piece that I LOVED, then I would be happy.... these are it! I swear you guys, its destiny. I saw them in the box, grabbed them (almost half heartedly, thinking they wouldnt fit), and realised they looked my size! after a few minutes of awkward trying on (I had big socks on) it was confirmed! and they were allll mine. I love them so, theyre so unusual and really nice quality. plus theyre like brand new, look how unworn they are! In fact, I looked them up when I got home, and theyre still available to buy (HERE)... for like two hundred euros!!!! CRAZY BONES!!!!
I also got 6 shirts, another bag, my furry bag, and 2 aviator caps. More about those another time.
Sorry this has been a shit load to read, snaps if you made it. I love you all.
angels warehouse sale,
i love shopping,
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