Tuesday, 22 March 2011


Part of my museum intervention at The Museum of English Rural Life. It's on til Friday, and I'll take some more pictures of it soon. This is the colouring page which was designed to look the same as the museum's existing ones. I was interested to see how people would react to the obviously subversive tone of the work. They mainly reacted like this:

Museum intervention: Opinion wall and colouring page.
The work is a response to the comment wall at the end of the museum, evoked by the opinions of the public and in return provoking a response. I am interested in the way humans percieve the animals we share the planet with, and the ways in which we act out dominion. We love animals, we need animals, we hate animals, we eat animals.
To see how visitors will react to this confrontation is just as much a part of the work as the pieces themselves.

1 comment:

  1. i like ittt. lmao @ the EAT SHIT :)
    poor cows. you should put milk in their glasses.
