In the latest issue of SUPER SUPER theres an interview with Adele Morse, whos work with taxidermy caught my eye straight away. After staring in awe at her blog now for a while I thought Id come over here (since I havent in ages! damn fucking internets) and share with you horrible lot. Im always really rude because I always get too excited when I find new things and I want to share them right away so I never ask permission so IM SORRY to Adele for stealing these images.... ANYWAYS what you should actually probably do is go to her blog yourself, right HERE. in the mean time, check this shit out!

You also should probably watch this video...
So good. Oh, shes also done some taxidermy for Charlie Le Mindu. Radness + Radness = RRAADDNNEESSSS!!!!!%^"*&^"%*(&^(*
Amazing! Just sent a link to loads of friends that would love this!