Yesterday evening was the private view of the Reading Degree show 2009. It was amazing! I am now so excited for mine, even though Ive got another 2 years to wait. I found it all (or mostly all) rather inspiring, it was really great. Go HERE! to see some stuff on the website. Although really if you live near Reading you should go see it in the flesh, its open next week 10am-4pm.
Since about February or maybe March this year, me and Kieran have been watching the entire X files series, starting from the very start. I guess I was too young the first time round when it was on teleovision, but I must say I am enjoying it very much this time, which I never really thought I would. We're up to series four now, and last night I cried so much when we were watching it. Me and Kieran have a little joke where I am in love with Scully and he totally loves Mulder, and we often have these funny little debates about why the other one is crap and what is so good about our chosen agent. Well its strange because I suppose I have genuinely grown attatched to the character of Scully, because in the episodes we watched last night she found out she has a brain tumour, and I just found it so sad, as if it was one of my friends. Anyway now I am totally depressed. I am sure she'll get better though, after all there are five more series to get through.
Today we're going to a jumble sale which I am totally excited about, I havent been to one in ages. Tonight is a friends birthday which will be fun I am sure. I think we're also going to Yo sushi today, yum yum.
Must go before I flood the bathroom, forgot I was running a bath. xxxx
I was looking at the catalogues of the previous years 07/08 last night I didn't even attend the 07's show but in hindsight and much to my lament these years were soo much better exactly the same standard as arts schools in LND. Yes degree 09 had people whose work I thought INCREDIBLE and I want to produce work like that..catherine,rebecca,jack,chris,missy,faye, oh yeah and dan maybe a couple of others but as certain individuals didn't raise their bar as high as the names listed above my personal experience of the show can now be described as saccharine sweet. I say this because I've looked at degree websites just now from other art schools and they seem great, really clever artists. I will be visting shows in LND next week and then I'll review my thoughts. I love our Uni immensely and I predict that I will be overwhelmed by next years cohort of students and our year of course. I'm really scared though and I've started working really hard on a new project for next year in fact I may not get a summer job. I yes our feelings our show 2012!!! are largely synonymus.
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